The data show that in seven out of ten components, the STEM Academies self-reported an increase from Beginning to At Target over the two year program. Most noted are the increases in the specific areas of reflective teaching, data driven instruction, technology enhanced instruction, the 5-E model and inquiry based instruction. These specific areas were also the focus of project wide professional development. The data show that many components to the tool actually decreased in terms of the schools self-rating. This is concluded to be a result of the stronger understanding of the components and the process in which schools undergo through the self analysis.
Feedback from Academy administrators stated that five of the six principals present planned to continue the use of the STEM MT after the Project ended. Currently, project personnel are working with a new school system interesting in using the STEM MT in their schools. STEM focused PLCs developed through conversation and evaluation utilizing the STEM Academy Measurement Tool and Rubric can drive not only professional development for in-service teachers but also impact K-12 student achievement in STEM content areas.